Configure Openstack-Keystone for IBM Spectrum Scale Object Storage

Steps for configuring External keystone server for IBM Spectrum Scale Object Storage

Prerequisite :
               RHEL 7 or 7.1 host with Enabled Redhat and Openstack Kilo repository

# Install openstack-keystone rpm and other required rpms from repository

 $ yum install openstack-keystone openstack-utils openldap-clients python-openstackclient -y 

# Add required firewall rule on node or stop the firewalld

$ service firewalld stop

# Update the keystone.conf. Update admin_token for administration/configuration

$ openstack-config --set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT admin_token ADMIN 

# Update the database connection. Assumption: Mysql(MariaDB) will be used and same node is used as database node.

$ openstack-config --set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf database connection 'mysql://keystone:Passw0rd@localhost/keystone'

# In this setup PKI is used for token. One can choose to use UUID for token, In that case skip following steps.

$ openstack-config --set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf token provider 'keystone.token.providers.pki.Provider'
$ keystone-manage pki_setup --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone

# Install mariadb and initialize the keystone database

$ /usr/bin/openstack-db --service keystone --init --password password --rootpw password

$ service openstack-keystone start 

# At this stage Openstack-keystone service will be running

$ export OS_TOKEN="ADMIN"
$ export OS_URL=http://localhost:35357/v3 

#  Create required User,Project,Role entries in Keystone

$ openstack project create --domain default service
$ openstack project create --domain default admin

$ openstack user create --password password admin --domain default
$ openstack user create --password password swift --domain default

$ openstack role create admin

$ openstack role add --user admin --domain default admin
$ openstack role add --user admin --project admin admin
$ openstack role add --user swift --domain default admin
$ openstack role add --user swift --project service admin

# Create Keystone endpoints

$ openstack service create --name keystone identity
$ keystoneservice=`openstack service show keystone -f value -c id`
$ keystoneendpoint='mykeystone' #---> Change this as per hostname/dnsname of keystone
$ openstack endpoint create $keystoneservice public http://${keystoneendpoint}:5000/v3
$ openstack endpoint create $keystoneservice internal http://${keystoneendpoint}:5000/v3
$ openstack endpoint create $keystoneservice admin http://${keystoneendpoint}:35357/v3 

# Create Swift endpoints

$ openstack service create --name swift object-store
$ swiftservice=`openstack service show swift -f value -c id`
$ swiftendpoint='swiftnode'  #---> Change this as per hostname/dnsname of swift
$ openstack endpoint create $swiftservice public  "http://${swiftendpoint}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
$ openstack endpoint create $swiftservice internal  "http://${swiftendpoint}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
$ openstack endpoint create $swiftservice admin  "http://${swiftendpoint}:8080"

# Remove admin_token from keystone.conf

$ openstack-config --del /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT admin_token

# Restart the openstack-keystone service to pickup the admin_token deletion.

$ service openstack-keystone restart

Disclaimer: The content of this post is not approved nor endorsed by IBM.

Now the keystone server is ready to be configured with IBM Spectrum Scale Object Store in USERDEFINED configuration.

4 thoughts on “Configure Openstack-Keystone for IBM Spectrum Scale Object Storage

  1. Hello, with respect to roles, should we also run the following?
    openstack role add –user admin –project service admin


    1. Hello Steve,
      ‘openstack role add –user admin –project service admin’ is required if you want to provide admin role to admin user in service project. For minimal configuration of Keystone to use with Spectrum Scale this is not mandatory.


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